it's better to piss in the sink than sink in the piss

Donny Arkymen @dumassstudios

Age 30

French Hitman


Joined on 2/16/07

Exp Points:
4,112 / 4,440
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Vote Power:
6.16 votes
Police Lieutenant
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dumassstudios's News

Posted by dumassstudios - December 18th, 2008

bye :)


Posted by dumassstudios - June 28th, 2008


Well Lately I have been busy with school and stuff so I haven't got around to animating any new films but I do have a new one called Random Clay fight 2 Check it out - http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/


I have a third one finished but newgrounds wont let me upload for some reason..... so I will wait until it lets my again and since I just saw rc-films new movie alienation I got inspired to make another part series like the evil creature again so watch out for that (still thinking what I should do) and and rc-films and I are teaming up to make a new film about a giganto monster... yeah

I am happy to inform you taking over is back in production so yeah its all good and we will make a new kill game so watch out for that.

That also includes a new pointless clay violence coming soon as well.

Also there will be no new create style movies any time soon because they are boring as shit to make, sorry if you liked them

In the mean time check out my other places on the magical place called the internet


http://www.youtube.com/user/Robsrandom stuff

http://www.youtube.com/user/dumassstud ios1


http://www.myspace.com/crazy_random_ro b


http://www.metacafe.com/channels/robsr andomstuff/

Mamshmam forums

http://mamshmam.com/forums/profile.php ?mode=viewprofile&u=972



There was no point of that but oh well

So thats all for now yall


Posted by dumassstudios - May 19th, 2008


As you might know I have made a new stop-motion series called "Halo - spartans"

Some of you people don't like this series and some of you do, I thank you people who have given constructive reviews and have the episodes in their favorites.

I also would like to know what you would want to see in the episodes, any idea's taken out of halo, halo 2 or halo 3 that you would think is funny, because I want to see what you want to see in the episodes. I hope to make a few seasons of it with 15 episodes in each season and some holiday specials in each season.

Hopefully you will enjoy the series because it is hard as fuck trying to animate these masterchief figures. Soo I hope you enjoy them and I will try to have a new one every week or 2 weeks.

If you haven't seen them go to youtube or metacafe or newgrounds to see them


Episode 1 - http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

Episode 2 - http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/


Episode 1 - http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1290207/

Episode 2 - http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1325081/


Episode 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHzJ6b5 w7Tk
Episode 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuO7vSS okMs

If you want to see the higher quality youtube versions right now just watch below

Episode 1

/* */
Episode 2

/* */
I will have a new episode soon!

My new HALO series

Posted by dumassstudios - March 26th, 2008

I know I have said the evil creature part 6 will be under production now but I have been slacking off and not been bothered to make any claymations. I am sorry if you are one of the people PMing me wanting more stuff out.

Here are some future productions you might want to here about

Chaos - This will be my madness style clay series, but with a storyline and heaps of violence
The evil creature part 6 - It isn't over, the creature is back! and now stronger then ever in this blood and gore filled part - With this part I might split it into to to episodes to add suspense (I have always wanted to do that)
Taking over part 3, 4, 5... - Me and massacre-studios have been really slack on this movie, by our plans it should of been finished in January but we haven't been screwed to, We will finish the series so I hope you don't give up on us!
Weekly newz weekly - CANCELED! - not enough viewers and wasn't very popular, we might make a small little goodbye movie even though only one episode was done.
Kill games - Since it is our most successful movie/games thingo we will make 1 or 2 more
INFECTION - The best movie me and massacre have thought of yet! - A zombie packed clay gore fest! Our first movie we will have actual sets and clay guys that look "real" - To still come

Well thats all I have in mind at the moment so watch out for those!

Now back to evil creature part 6 news
I know I have been slack and haven't written the script yet and I have been getting some angry PM's from the voice actors I hired so I'M SORRY GUYS I WILL GET IT DONE IN ABOUT A MONTH!

Taking over news
Part 3 in half complete and all I need is a special effects guy to do an effective explosion when the white gangs LRV blows up - If so PM me or add me on msn - bling_it_1@hotmail.com or email as long as I get it!

Chaos news
I have completed 1 out of like 15 of the sets so I am working my way to finishing it so don't worry!

Me and massacre are getting really prepared for this, we are getting songs for the movie and fitting ideas together to make it work, I really hope we don't give up on this yet because we have spent about $57 so far on stuff

Fan news
If you guys want to see more stuff then go to my youtube page and then subscribe because I am usually making a short little movie every 3 days to put on so you can see some small stuff to know I am still alive

Well that's it from me for now and I hope you keep in update of my new stuff because I am still here

Excuse my slacking.... but I'm back

Posted by dumassstudios - February 9th, 2008


Hey there,

It's dumassstudios here the creator of the sketch collab 07 and I'm wondering if anyone is up for making another one! But, this year will be a lot different and better. First up im destroying the right to just have lines doing shit. Coz that turned out shit.
But, this year there will be a certain background you must use and a certain colour.

Well basically it's like you have a mini story in the part you do


2. Obey the specifications given.
3. You can use your own sounds
4. No sprites (its not a fucking sprite collab)
5. Sticks are allowed
6. Must be FBF - some tweening can be done
7. Dont make shit parts
8. Keep in touch with the collab
9. If you are dropping out you must have a good reason too do so.
10. If you do not obey the specs and you make a part, you must create a new one no questions asked.
11. You must include a signature at the bottom right of your part.

fps - 22
stage size - 550x 400x
background colour - white (use the provided background)
Time limit - 9 - 50 seconds
Pen/pencil colour - #333333 or #666666
Deadline - April 1st - you have a shitload of time

I hope this collab is better than the first so please join up

I would also like some humorous stuff

So please join up and yeah, lets make a good collab


The Sketch Collab 08'

check it out here - http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/85 8327

Sketch Collab 08'

Posted by dumassstudios - December 12th, 2007

After the release of the second installment of the kill series I was thinking, number 3 "kill bob" will need as many deaths as possible so If anyone had any in mind then said them they would be thanked in the credits.

anyway check out kill gary and kill dave

It also got daily 5th place!!! yay

Kill dave

Posted by dumassstudios - December 1st, 2007

Yep its finally on newgrounds after the months of anticipating it!

We worked very hard on this movie so vote fairly and please review!

Part 2 will be out on the 14th of december and will be submitted under my account

so go vote 5 - http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

